Opening Hours: Monday to Saturday – 8.30 am to 5.30 pm | Sunday 9 am to 11 am
Drishti Eye HospitalDrishti Eye HospitalDrishti Eye Hospital
8.30 am - 5.30 pm
Panchkula, Haryana
Drishti Eye HospitalDrishti Eye HospitalDrishti Eye Hospital

Eye Specialist Chandigarh


The Best Eye Specialist in Chandigarh

Do you have trouble with your eyesight? If yes, you must be looking for the best eye specialist in Chandigarh. No worries, we got you covered. You can schedule an appointment with Drishti Eye Hospital in Chandigarh to consult some of the top eye specialists in the area. We offer advanced treatments for conditions like cataracts and blurry vision.

A Team Of Experienced Doctors
29 Years of Experience
5+ National Awards
50 K + Happy Surgery Patients
Call to ask any question +91-708-7219008
Eye Specialist in Chandigarh

Best Ophthalmologist in Chandigarh

The field of medicine focused on diagnosing and treating eye problems, both medically and surgically is called Ophthalmology. The experts who specialize in this are called ophthalmologists. While other professionals like optometrists and opticians deal with eye care, they don’t cover as wide a range of issues as ophthalmologists do.

If you’re looking for the best treatment for eye conditions, Drishti Eye Hospital is the place to go. We have the best ophthalmologists including the pediatric ophthalmologist in Chandigarh who can provide safe and effective care for common eye ailments.

Call to ask any question +91-708-7219008
Eye Doctor in Chandigarh

Get Your Treatment From The Best Eye Hospitals In Chandigarh

Come to the Drishti Eye Hospital in Chandigarh for your eye care needs! It is renowned for its cutting-edge treatments and experienced specialists. We’re recognized as one of India’s premier healthcare providers for eye check-ups and treatments. Here’s why we stand out
Our team boasts highly skilled eye doctors and surgeons who are trusted by numerous patients. With prestigious backgrounds and extensive experience in advanced procedures, they offer top-notch care.
We make payment easy with various options, including insurance coverage for major surgeries like LASIK and cataract removal. We also provide cashless payments and No-cost EMI service.
Our hospital is equipped with the latest medical equipment required for advanced eye treatments.


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